

Resilience Scale

Secondary Trauma Scale

Dr. Gentry’s Compassion Fatigue Scale

Is This Job for You? Resilience Checklist

Dr. Gentry’s Resiliency Model

Dr. Gentry generously allows his work to be distributed for free with a credit. You can find more information about his work at:


Frog Soup Monitor

Interoception and Self Regulation

Interoception and Self Regulation Exercise

Mission & Viktor Frankl

Mission, Developing

Code of Honour, Developing

Mission Statement

Peer Support

Peer Support, Silent Witness Exercise

Perceptual Maturation Summary

Perceptual Maturation, Workplace

Perceptual Maturation, Workplace Exercise

Perceptual Maturation, Self Optimization

Perceptual Maturation, Self Optimization Exercise

Perceptual Maturation, The Great Supervisor

Self Care & Revitalization

Moral Integrity & Body State

Staff coping & Trauma Resilience

Resilience Definition (and Scale)

Relaxation Pairing

Zones of Regulation

Messiah Complex

Witnessing Suffering

Grief After the Death of an Individual You Serve


After a Traumatic Event

Fear of Reoccurrence

Nightmares and Stress Dreams

Is It Time to Quit?

Regarding the Individuals You Serve

Trauma 101

Trauma Informed Care

ACES (Adverse Childhood Experiences Study)

Trauma Healing Basics

Healing Responses for Trauma Pt. 1

Healing Responses for Trauma Pt. 2

Healing Responses for Trauma Pt. 3

Stages of Change

Responding to Angry People

Responding to Entitlement

Resistant, Stuck, or Unwilling People

Reducing Conflict: Various Tips​

Defence Mechanisms During Trauma

Unexpected Gifts of Trauma

Facial Coding

Mental Illness Diagnoses

Understanding Suicide

Responding to Grief

Compassion vs Empathy

Free or Cheap Counselling in Calgary

Fun Stuff

1/50th Poem – Trevor Williamson

Win the lottery and take over the shelter 
& other ideas for group discussion


Meditation Part Two


Feeling Better

Prioritizing Feelings

Identifying Feelings

Anger as a Healing Tool

Art of Extreme Self Care Book Summary – Cheryl Richardson

11 Ways to Say “No”

Keep a List

Self Care for the Front Line – Susan Brandt

Tips for Sharing This Info with your Team:

Print the sheet to hand out to the team. They may not have the time or attention to fully absorb the information and it may be helpful for them to have a copy on hand at home.

All of the forms are one doubled sided piece of paper, with the exception of:


For the scales, remind people to keep the tests or hang onto their scores so they can take it again later and compare the numbers to see if they are gaining resilience or burning out.

Read over the whole sheet ahead of time and pick a few points you want to emphasize. If you run out of time, just highlight these few points. People can read the rest during the talk or later on.

Consult the team: ask them for their thoughts and ideas on the topic before selecting or starting to talk about the information in the workshop. Is it on their minds? Would it be worth checking out? After presenting: How do they deal with the topic? Did the treatment seem correct for their situation? Do they have any personal tips?

When you see questions in the sheet, if you have time, ask the group what their answers are before going into the interpretation on the sheet. In general, engage the team as much as you can by asking what they think, how they do things or what their philosophy or approach is. Encourage questions, comments etc.

When people make a contribution to the discussion, ideally make a small reflection, response, or thanks.

When you feel like you are losing them go more into discussion.

When there are instructions for an exercise, such as how to find your diaphragm in the “Interoception & Self Regulation” infosheet, do it with the group. Make learning experiential. It’s funner.

Who teaches? You could assign someone, rotate through different people, or ask for volunteers to present the info. Sometimes the team is too exhausted after a day to do a workshop. Or it would be better to debrief about the day. Get the temperature of the room before forging ahead and as you go along. Make it a group experience where everyone can be part of deciding what to learn and whether or not they are in the headspace for it.


[email protected] // call or text 403-444-6490